About Sven Giersig


Sven Giersig is a sociologist, social worker, PR specialist and unix enthusiast.

After working as Unix BOFH in the tech industry, and with a short and hefty interlude as a minimal techno DJ, he went on to get his degree in Sociology at the Unversity of Constance. In parallel he worked as a Sales Pro in various positions and for various brands in the field of outdoor & mountaineering sports goods and got promoted to the position as a Storemanager.

Between 2021 and 2024 he was working as a social worker with and for juveniles and refugees to help them to get a foot on the ground and into the german society.

Since 2024 he works as a PR specialist at a district office, covering all things “social”. Sven authors a few blogs, sews ultralight hiking equipment and loves, lives and hikes in the alps.

his other blogs:

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